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Posts tagged ‘collaboration’

29 Ways to stay creative

1. Make lists
2. Carry a Notebook everywhere
3. Try free writing
4. Get away from the computer
5. Quit beating yourself up
6. Take breaks
7. Sing in the shower
8. Drink coffee
9. Listen to new music
10. Be open
11. Surround yourself with creative people
12. Get feedback
13. Collaborate
14. Don’t give up
15. Practice
16. Allow yourself to make mistakes
17. Go somewhere new
18. Count your blessings
19. Get lots of rest
20. Take risks
21. Break the rules
22. Don’t force it
23. Read a page of the dictionary
24. Create a framework
25. Stop trying to be someone else’s perfect
26. Got an idea write it down
27. Clean your workspace
28. Have fun
29. Finish something

thanks to Franziska for sharing these wonderful thoughts.

Change paradigms

Where does our educational System come from? Is it really educating the people for the challenges of tomorrow?

“Great learning happens in groups – collaboration is the stuff of growth”
– Sir Ken Robinson

a world-renowned education and creativity expert explains our educational paradigm – animated by the marvellous guys at RSA.

Many thanks to Johannes for sharing that inspiring animation & speech.

Sahay Solar Solutions

“Wir haben eine Klimakrise, eine Finanzkrise und eine Hungerkrise. Wer sich da keine Gedanken macht, wo sein Impact liegen könnte, dem kann ich auch nicht helfen.” (Anne-Kathrin Kuhlemann)

Energieversorgung in Afrika kann auch nachhaltig und dezentral erfolgen. In dem von Sahay Solar Solutions vorgestelltem Projekt werden äthiopische Ingieneure ausgebildet und befähigt, damit sie Solarpanele vor Ort installieren können. So werden auch in abgelegenen Teilen der Erde die wichtigsten Grundbedürfnisse der Menschen in ruralen Gemeinschaften gedeckt.

Für manche Menschen ist Strom noch keine Selbstverständlichkeit, wie stark muss das Staunen sein, wenn Sie sich auf einmal Ihren Strom selbst erzeugen können, mit der Hilfe von Fachkräften und deren Weiterbildung. Sahay Solar Solutions ist ein Projekt, was wir Euch deshalb im Creative Leadership Blog vorstellen wollen. Es zeigt, zu was die kreativen Führungskräfte unserer Zeit fähig sind. Eine tolle Inspiration so kurz vor dem Start der Summer School. Let´s Do it.

Unterstützt wird das Projekt von Stiftungen und auch über das crowd funding, z.B. bei

Danke an Wolfram, für das Teilen dieser Projektinitiative.

Naples 2.0 – International Social Innovation Competition


Naples – the symbol of a city let down by the state.  A city of past glories and beauty see it’s streets left in turmoil by a corrupt and ineffective system, with rubbish left piled high.

Naples is the epitome of state and market failures, its recent history has been marred by a barrage of corruption and a culture that still does not believe in change. These on-going challenges provide the perfect test field for social innovation to move beyond being a ‘nice label’ and to having tangible impacts on the ground and demonstrating that the time for a new approach has arrived. We aim to succeed where all else has failed.

For this reason we are running a competition to attract the brightest and most creative minds from around the world which can solve selected challenges in Naples.

Challenge 1 – Turning a confiscated villa into a financially sustainable Social Business Challenge 2 – Making an abandoned Roman bath accessible and sustainable
Challenge 3 – Creating a sustainable business plan for a volunteering organisation
Challenge 4 – Creating a sustainable business model for a non-profit organisation that works with school dropouts
Challenge 5 – Creating an innovative new method for inclusion of the young Roma population
Challenge 6 – Creating an innovative new method for recycling textile sustainably

Winners will receive €10’000 to transform the idea into a project working in partnership with local partners. The organisers will fundraise for the entire budget to implement the project if they judge it viable.

“What Jazz Soloists Know About Creative Collaboration”

here is a fine article (thanks to David) about creative collaboration in the world of music, in the world of the most improvising music: Jazz.

“In jazz, creative input is egalitarian and meritocratic. If you can “blow” you can play regardless of background, personal style, or anything else. Miles Davis famously wrote in his autobiography, “I don’t care if a dude is purple with green breath as long as he can swing.” Do you add spice to your creative team?  Do you contribute to the process of the whole?”

read the full article