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Posts tagged ‘education’

Time for reflection

The castle of Wartin was a great host for the Creative Summer School 2011 on the Art of Creative Leadership. We are reflecting the past happenings and working on material for publication.

The next Creative Summer School is being planned. We are open for inspiration on fostering partnerships worldwide.

Change paradigms

Where does our educational System come from? Is it really educating the people for the challenges of tomorrow?

“Great learning happens in groups – collaboration is the stuff of growth”
– Sir Ken Robinson

a world-renowned education and creativity expert explains our educational paradigm – animated by the marvellous guys at RSA.

Many thanks to Johannes for sharing that inspiring animation & speech.

The Art of Creative Leadership

“How can we create a world in which we all want to live in – and make it sustainable?”

In early 2011 while the preparations for the Haniel Creative Summer School - “The Art of Creative Leadership” at the European University Viadrina took place; many questions on how we teach, combine and use knowledge arose.

The basic question was how creativity could be taught to future leaders and how their ideas could be translated into tangible and sustainable innovation.

Many great minds were involved at various stages of dialogue on the given matter, and soon the possibility of offering a summer school on creative leadership was at hand. The project developed rapidly, and with each step forward, each new “co-creator” won for the project, it became even more interesting than the original concept intended.

1. The involvement of the ideas of many, among them artists, scientists, entrepreneurs and beneficiaries,
2. The common vision: creating an educational product, which would set a milestone in the fields of Leadership Education and Sustainability,
3. The given tools: the financing provided by the Haniel Foundation and the infrastructure of the university,
4. The inclusion and development of the skills of combined potentials,
5. All came together to the creation of a product: The Haniel Creative Summer School on “The Art of Creative Leadership”

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The future of learning: Globe 4D

We were calling for the future of learning, here is one tool created by Rick Companje & Nico van Dijk that is looking amazing so far.

“Globe4D is an interactive four dimensional globe; an educational device used by schools, libraries, science centers and museums all over the world. It shows Earth’s surface on a physically rotatable sphere. By turning the round table-top around the sphere you can travel back and forth in time. People of all ages and backgrounds learn in a playful manner about our changing planet.”

more info on the Globe 4D Website

Programm zur Erneuerung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Forschung und Lehre in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Finance und Management sollen erneuert werden mit dem Ziel, dem Allgemeinwohl besser zu dienen.

1. Die Autoren dieses Aufrufs stellen mit Besorgnis fest, dass drei Jahre nach dem Ausbruch der Finanzkrise, die die Schranken und Gefahren sowie die Verantwortlichkeit der herrschenden Lehre in Wirtschaftswissenschaften aufgezeigt hat, Letztere nach wie vor ein Quasimonopol in der akademischen Welt beansprucht. Dieses Monopol beruht auf der institutionellen Macht, die bedingungslos auf die Universitätswelt und die Forschung ausgeübt wird. Diese Beherrschung, weiter getragen durch die sogenannten besten Universitäten, geht mindestens auf ein Vierteljahrhundert zurück und ist weltumfassend. Doch die Art und Weise wie dieses Paradigma ungeachtet der gegenwärtigen Krise fortbesteht, zeigt sehr deutlich sein Gewicht sowie die Gefahr seines dogmatischen Charakters. Die Lehrkräfte und Forscher als Unterzeichner dieses Aufrufs stellen fest, dass diese Sachlage die Ergiebigkeit von Forschung und Lehre in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, in der Finance und im Management einschränkt, denn die für die Gesellschaft wichtigsten Fragen bleiben unberücksichtigt.

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