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Posts tagged ‘philosophy’

The beauty is inside you

An Ode to live your life and live it to your fullest potential.

thanks to andre for playing me that song back and forth in kiev.

Share your gifts

A little magic with a smile.
An inspiring story about the power of positive affirmation.

Starring TJ Thyne & Vicki Davis. Writer/Director/Composer – Kurt Kuenne

thanks Erik for your share.

The Law of Success (Napoleon Hill, 1927)

A small lecture from one of the basic works on success from 1927, when the great pioneer minds developed great power and success.

“An interesting experiment was conducted by this author, in collaboration with the students of a well known college. Each student was requested to write an essay on “How and Why Henry Ford Became Wealthy.”
Each student was required to describe, as a part of his or her essay, what was believed to be the nature of Ford’s real assets, of what these assets consisted in detail.
The majority of the students gathered financial statements and inventories of the Ford assets and used these as the basis of their estimates of Ford’s wealth.
Included in these “sources of Ford’s wealth” were such as cash in banks, raw and finished materials in stock, real estate and buildings, good-will, estimated at from ten to twenty-five per cent of the value of the material assets.
One student out of the entire group of several hundred answered as follows:
“Henry Ford’s assets consist, in the main, of two items, viz.: (1) Working capital and raw and finished materials; (2) The knowledge, gained from experience, of Henry Ford, himself, and the co-operation of a well trained organization which understands how to apply this knowledge to best advantage from the Ford viewpoint. It is impossible to estimate, with anything approximating correctness, the actual dollars and cents value of either of these two groups of assets, but it is my opinion that their relative values are:
“The    organized    knowledge    of    the    Ford Organization………………………………………75%
The value of cash and physical assets of every nature, including raw and finished materials …25%”
This author is of the opinion that this statement was not compiled by the young man whose name was signed to it, without the assistance of some very analytical and experienced mind or minds.
Unquestionably the biggest asset that Henry Ford has is his own brain. Next to this would come the brains of his immediate circle of associates, for it has been through co-ordination of these that the physical assets which he controls were accumulated.
Destroy every plant the Ford Motor Company owns: every piece of machinery; every atom of raw or finished material, every finished automobile, and every dollar on deposit in any bank, and Ford would still be the most powerful man, economically, on earth. The brains which have built the Ford business could duplicate it again in short order. Capital is
always available, in unlimited quantities, to such brains as Ford’s.
Ford is the most powerful man on earth (economically) because he has the keenest and most practical conception of the principle of ORGANIZED KNOWLEDGE of any man on earth, as far as this author has the means of knowing.
Despite Ford’s great power and financial success, it may be that he has blundered often in the application of the principles through which he accumulated this power. There is but little doubt that Ford’s methods of mind co-ordination have often been crude; they must needs have been in the earlier days of this experience, before he gained the wisdom of application that would naturally go with maturity of years.
Neither can there be much doubt that Ford’s application of the principle of mind chemistry was, at least at the start, the result of a chance alliance with other minds, particularly the mind of Edison. It is more than probable that Mr. Ford’s remarkable insight into the laws of nature was first begun as the result of his friendly alliance with his own wife long before he ever met either Mr. Edison or Mr. Firestone. Many a man who never knows the real source of his success is made by his wife, through application of the “Master Mind” principle. Mrs. Ford is a most remarkably intelligent woman, and this author has reason to believe that it was her mind, blended with Mr. Ford’s, which gave him his first real start toward power.”

Napoleon Hill

Medienpartnerschaft mit der Agora42

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir die agora42 als Medienpartner gewinnen konnten. Inhaltlich, als auch persönlich ist dies eine exzellente Kombination. Denn die agora42 ist das Magazin für Ökonomie und Philosophie. agora42 widmet sich der ökonomischen Aufklärung, nimmt das große Ganze der Ökonomie in den Blick und ermöglicht Orientierung. Mittels der Philosophie werden intelligent die Schwachstellen unseres ökonomischen Weltbilds offengelegt und neue Perspektiven aufgezeigt. Querdenken kann nur, wer das große Ganze sieht. Seit Dezember 2010 unterstützt und begleitet der in Köln lebende Philosoph und Bestsellerautor (“Wer bin ich und wenn ja, wie viele”) Richard David Precht (46) als Mitherausgeber die agora42.

Wir werden vom Magazin “agora42” bei der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit unterstützt und freuen uns auf eine inspirierende Zusammenarbeit und natürlich die Teilnahme der agora42 Macher an der Summer School. Herzlichen Dank an Wolfram Bernhardt.